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發布時間:2021-02-10 00:35:36

㈠ 寫一篇關於閱讀小說的的好壞的英語作文

Despite the modern desire to be easy and casual, Americans from time to time give thought to the language they use, to grammar, vocabulary,and official languages. And, as on other issues, they divide into two parties. The larger, which includes everybody from the plain people to the professional writer, takes for granted that there is a right way to use words and construct sentences and many wrong ways. The right way is believed to be clearer,simpler, more logical, and hence more likely to prevent error and confusion. Good writing is easier to read; it offers a pleasant combination of sound and sense. Against this majority view is the doctrine of an opposing minority, who make up for their small number by their great learning and their place of authority in the school system and the world of scholarship. They are the professional linguists,who deny that there is such a thing as correctness. The language, they say, is what anybody and everybody speaks.Hence there must be no interference with what they regard as a proct of nature. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice. Within the profession of linguists there are, of course,fighting factions, but, on this conception of language as a natural growth with which it is criminal to interfere, they are at one. In their arguments one finds appeals to feelings of social equality (all words and forms are equally good) and indivialfreedom. These beliefs further suggest that the desire for correctness, the very idea of better or worse in speech, is what is left over from noble and times. To the linguists, change is the only rule to be obeyed. They consider it to be equal with life and accuse their critics of being clock-reverses, enemies of freedom, menaces to"life".

盡管現代社會要求簡單、隨意,美國人卻時不時地對他們用的語言、語法、詞彙和官方語言表示關注。而且,像在其他問題上一樣,他們·分為兩派。多數派,包括從一般百姓到專業作家的所有人,都理所當然地認為有一種正確的遣詞造句的方式,也存在很多錯誤的方式。人們相信正確的方式是使文章比較清楚、簡單、更有邏輯性,進而更有可能避免錯誤和含混不清。好文章容易讀;它為讀者提供了聲音和意義的美妙結合。 與這種佔大多數的觀點相對的是持反對意見的少數派的主張,他們淵博的學識以及在教育界和學術界的權威地位彌補了人數少的劣勢。他們是專業的語言學家,他們否認有正確的寫作方式這回事。他們說任何人或者說每個人說的都是語言,所以我們不應該人為地修改他們認為是自然的產物。他們痛斥所有試圖選擇正確寫作指導的做法。 在語言學家內部當然也有相互斗爭的派別,但是在「語言是自然發展的,干涉即是犯罪」這一點上,他們的觀點是一致的。在他們的論點中,人們可以發現社會公平(所有詞語和形式都是一樣的好)和個人自由的感情趨向。這些主張還進一步暗示:尋求正確語言表達的願望,即話語有好壞之分這個觀念本身是從有貴族貧民之分的那個時代遺留下來的,對語言學家來說,變化是惟一應該遵循的規則。他們把它看成和生命同等重要,並且譴責那些批評他們的人為想要「反轉時鍾」的人,是自由的敵人,是對「生活」的威脅。

㈡ 讀書的好處英語作文帶翻譯





I think reading is important in the whole life for people.There are many benefits of reading.Firstly,reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.Secondly,reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills.Before you learn to write,you must know how others write.Thirdly,reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon,which is important to job hunting in the future.Finally,reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life.Therefore,start to reading,no matter how old you are and what you are doing.Then,you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.




㈢ 英文版小說對英語學習有什麼幫助


㈣ 寫關於讀文學書的重要性的英文作文


As many people say, reading classics plays a significant role to one's growing. Because all of the classics are the positive results of wisdom. We can learn much knowledge and become more intelligent by reading them. Especially, when we are ring our growing time, it helps us get many right minds to reading more famous books.

However, now people who enjoy reading those classical books are getting less and less. There are a lot of reasons for this phenomena. To begin with, there are many other leisure activities in the modern society, young men go to do these things instead of reading. What's more,many people prefer some other books to classics because they think classics are useless.

I think, we university men should take some effective actions to prevent the situation. We should read classics as many as possible in our spare time, and we shouldn't just scan those words and phrases over our minds but to use your head to think more about those

㈤ 急需一片「讀短篇小說的好處」的英文作文150字左右

The benefit of reading novel


㈥ 關於看小說的優點用英語寫一篇文章

English itis very good
short book have help me learn too more english

㈦ 用英語寫閱讀的好處,

Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.


㈧ 看英語小說有什麼好處


㈨ 英語作文,對閱讀小說的看法

I think the stand or fall of reading novels or to see people own feeling reading.Not all of the novel is so no nutritional and bad.

㈩ 用英語寫一個讀書好處和建議

Reading can broaden your horizons and let you experience a different world.
Read something amazing? Then you should shout it from the rooftops. Don』t keep those hidden gems to yourself, share your reading recommendations with those you love.



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