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发布时间:2021-02-10 21:37:10

❶ 怎么从英文零基础到可以正常的阅读一本长篇英文小说


❷ 长篇英语原文小说,txt下载。


❸ 有哪些适合阅读的经典英语小说

额 个人觉得 不是所有经典小说都适合没一个人的 个人看书的爱好不专一样 阅读的东西也会属有不一样的 选择自己爱看的类型 能阅读的时间也会长一些 否则 即使是再经典的东西 也不一定可以学到什么 因为没有花心思在那上面

❹ 有什么适合小孩看的长篇英语小说

1. 英国Charles Dickens的A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》很不错!讲有关于革命的东 2. 美国Bill Bryson的A Short History of Nearly Everything《万物简史》。一看题目就知道是关于自然科学的通俗读物。 3. 美国Emest Hemingway的The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》。很经典。

❺ 长篇小说,中篇小说,短篇小说用英语怎么说

长篇小说, river novel n. 长篇小说;
中篇小说,novelle n. 中篇小说( novella的名词复数 );
短篇小说 short story

❻ 有什么英语长篇小说介绍的


❼ 长篇英语小说

到这里找找 很全的 ^_^
这篇 我是上网找的 -----Black Horse 黑骏马

Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot.

It had been a long walk to the top and he was tired. He knew the horse he was trying to capture could not be too far away. He looked at the mountain and the valleys below, searching footmarks left by the horse.

Then he saw the marks going down the other side of the mountain. He must capture the horse. He knew better men than he had tried. Tom Raglan, the best rancher in the state, had tried with the help of his cowboys.

But they had not been able to capture it. It had gotten away from others, too. They all said it was too wild. It could not be captured.

After a slow, painful walk down the mountain, Jed came to a cool-looking river. He drank the clear water.顺着山路向下,慢慢地、艰难地走了一段之后,杰德到达一条水看上去十分清澈的河边,喝了几口河水。

Further down the valley he saw the black horse. It stood under a tree out of the sun. Jed moved closer, then hid behind a tree to watch. It was the biggest and blackest and blackest he had ever seen.

Jed knew all about horse. He had grown into a man caring for them. He had never earned more than '10 but he had dreams: If he could get a male and female house and 10 hectares of land, he could sell horses. That would be all the happiness Jed wanted.

Night came. The big black house moved from under the tree and began to eat grass near the river. Jed watched again. A few hours later, he found a soft place in the ground. He placed his head against an old fallen tree and slept.

The next day he woke with the sun. His eyes searched for the horse, and there it was, grazing. Jed saw how it ate, then lifted its head and looked all around. It was the mark of the wild, always looking for hidden danger.

Jed started to walk toward the horse. The horse stopped eating and looking at Jed. Jed's heart began to beat heavily. Men had said the horse was a killer. Still, he walked closer.

Fifteen meters away from the horse Jed stopped. The horse had lifted its front feet high in the air, then placed them heavily back on the ground. Jed moved closer. He talked to the horse in a soft voice.

Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done.

He had almost touched the wild horse. The animal was not a killer. If it had been, Jed would be dead now.

For six days he followed the horse. He rested when the horse rested. Jed did not like the land they were in now. The sides of the valley were high and filled with big rocks. Few trees were around. And the bottom of the valley was soft and wet.

Jed watched the horse a while, and then lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by thunder and rain. He walked up the rocks until he found a dry hole, safe from the rain, and he slept again.

The next day was cold and wet. Heavy rains had softened the bottom of the valley. He followed the house most of the day. The wet valley was the only place it could walk now.

The sides of the valley had gotten higher. Toward evening he saw it again. But this time there was fear in its face. He stopped and watched. The horse's nose was smelling the air. It smelled danger. It smelled danger.

Jed thought of wild animals, a wildcat(链接至同目录下wildcat)or bear maybe. He pulled his knife from his pants. He looked among the rocks but saw nothing.

He began walking toward the horse. The wildcat could have been on either side of the valley. He walked slowly, trying to watch both sides at the same time.

Slowly he came to the horse's side. Jed kept watching the rocks. If the cat was going to attack, it would do it now. He felt the excitement of danger.

Suddenly the silence was broken. The black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear. It began running down the wet valley.

At the same time there was a heavy, deep noise from the rocks. Then it happened. Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain. The land itself was the enemy.

When the air became clear, Jed looked for the horse. In front of him were tons of the fallen earth. He could not see down the valley and could not see the horse.


He slowly climbed over the fallen rocks. On the other side was the horse, more frightened than ever. Its legs were stuck in the soft earth and it could not move. The more it struggled, the deeper it sank in the mud.

他慢慢地爬过那些落下来的岩石。马在这个石土堆的另一边,看上去比先前更加恐惧。它的腿陷入了软土里,动弹不得。 而它越挣扎,就在泥中陷的越深。

Jed walked toward the animal. Each step he took, the soft mud tried to suck him down, too. He walked on the grassy places harder than the mud.


When he got to the horse, it was in the mud up to his stomach. Now it could move only its head. Jed felt wildly happy when he touched the horse. “Don't struggle and do not worry, Horse! I'll get you out!”


Suddenly he felt the horses teeth on his arm. He bit his lip to stop it from crying aloud. His free hand gently calmed the horse and slowly it let go. It pressed its nose against Jed's face. At last they were friends.


Now Jed could go to work. He studied the problem carefully. He had no way to lift the big horse from the mud. Certainly his rope was not strong enough.


He began to pull the mud away with his hands. But more mud fell into the hole he g. He ran to the rocks that had fallen down the mountain. He took off his shirt and filled it with rocks. He g again.


Only this time, he placed rocks in the holes he g. The rocks stayed still and slowly a wall began to form. He did this through the day and when night came, his hands were bloody, torn by the sharp rocks.


He knew night would be a bad time for the horse. He did not want it to become frightened and struggle against the wall of rock he was building in the mud.


He cut some small trees, laid them on the ground next to the horse and all through the night, he spoke soft, kind words to it to calm its fears.


The next morning, he brought grass for it to eat and began his work again. It was slow, hard work. When night came, he lay next to the horse again. He did not want it to struggle yet. The time had not come for the test.


By the middle of the next day, he had enough rocks in the mud on one side of the horse. Now he began to dig near the houses front legs. His rocks began to make the mud harder. The horse was able to move a little.


And when the pressure became less, it raised one of its front legs on to the rocks. It pushed against the rocks on its side and lifted its body a little out of the mud.


Jed got his rope and tied it around the horses neck. He began to pull on the rope.


The horse felt the pull and struggled with all its power against the mud. It raised its other front leg on the rocks and with a mighty push with its back legs and with Jed pulling on its neck, it moved forward toward hard land.


Jed fell on the earth, happy but tired. He had not eaten for three days. He had slept little. Half sleep, he felt the horses nose push against his face. He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him.


A week later, a big black horse rode on the land owned by Tom Raglan. It stopped near the ranch house. A little man got off the horses back. Tom Raglan looked at the horse with eyes that did not believe. Finally he said: "You got him."


"I got him, Tom, and I brought him back as I said I would."


Raglan looked at the horse. Above all, he was a horseman and there was no need for Jed to tell him how he captured it. Jed's tired face, his torn hands, dirty clothes and thin body told the story.


“Jed,” Raglan said. “that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it. But I have not forgotten my promise."


"I will give you some land and the old house in back of the ranch if you will keep the horse there. I pay you '30 a month, if you will let me send my female horses to the black horse."


"I want the black horse's blood in my horses. And you can keep every seventh horse for yourself.”


Jed put his arm around the black horse. The black horse was his. His dream had come true. It was too much all at once.


❽ 英文小说阅读推荐!

1 Stormbreaker 2 Point Blank 3 Skeleton Key
4 Eagle Strike 5 Scorpia 6 Ark Angel
7 Snakehead 8 Crocodile Tears 9 Scorpia Rising“少年007系列”是一套集惊险、悬疑、网络知识为一体的间谍小说 一共九部,每部都可以当做独立的小说看,情节上关联不大。

❾ 求推荐适合高中生阅读的英语小说


“书虫”是外语教学与研究出版社和牛津大学出版社共同奉献给广大英语学习者的一大精品。如今这只“书虫”漂洋过海,轻盈地落在了中国英语学习者的掌中。“书虫”首先将给你自信,即使你目前只有几百的词汇量,也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了。书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你:要坚持不懈地读下去,要广泛而丰富地读下去。待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹画碟,振翅欲翔了! “书虫”系列丛书主要用于英语阅读的启蒙和提高。 中英双语对照阅读,提高阅读量,扩增单词量。建议初学者能熟练的掌握3-5本,通读100本左右。对英语的提高很有好处。
第三级:1000生词量,适合初三、高一学生,分上、下两册,共19本 上册(共10本) 1、《弗兰肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼唤》 3、《秘密花园》 4、《曾达的囚徒》 5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》 6、《风语河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 8、《铁路少年》 9、《三个陌生人》 10、《伊桑·佛罗姆》 下册(共9本) 1、《圣诞欢歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的画像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齿和爪子》 5、《星际动物园》 6、《诱拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化学秘密》 9、《劫机!》
第四级:1500生词量,适合高一、高二学生,分上、下两册,共17本 上册(共9本) 1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》 2、《不平静的坟墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟记》 4、《三十九级台阶》 5、《小妇人》 6、《克兰福德》 7、《华盛顿广场》 8、《织工马南》 9、《化身博士》 下册(共8本) 1、《双城记》 2、《格列佛游记》 3、《金银岛》 4、《黑骏马》 5、《红字》 6、《极限之旅》 7、《吉姆老爷》 8、《洛娜·杜恩》
第五级:2000生词量,适合高二、高三学生,共6本。 1、《大卫·科波菲尔》 2、《远离尘嚣》 3、《远大前程》 4、《呼啸山庄》 5、《园会》 6、《理智与情感》
第六级:2300生词量,适合高三、大学低年级学生,共5本 1、《简·爱》 2、《雾都孤儿》 3、《傲慢与偏见》 4、《苔丝》 5、《白衣女人》

❿ 阅读长篇英文小说,对学习英语有很大帮助吗




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